Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Interesting stuff on the web: Gymnasts, testicles, and meat

The 2000 United States Olympic Team is awarded the bronze medal ten years later....  OK, think back to the 2000 Olympic Games, held in Sydney.  It was the Olympic games right after the Atlanta games, and much was expected of our gymnastics team.  They did well, and maybe you even remember the stunning performance of a young Tasha Swhwickert.  Unfortunately, they were edged out by the Chinese team, and came in fourth.  There was some controversy over the age of at least one of the Chinese team's gymnasts.  Well, it has taken this long but the Chinese team was disqualified, so ten years later, the bronze is awarded to the U. S. Gymnastics Team.  Here's the story from the Las Vegas Sun, along with videos of the performance by Tasha Schwickert:  http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/apr/29/no-ordinary-routine-tasha-schwikert-then-15-delive/
Everything you wanted to know about testicles ... and I do mean everything!  Here's an excerpt:  "Sure they look great, and human females are almost hypnotised by their gentle swaying motion and generally perfect appearance but, let’s be honest, they’re not very well protected.  Dangling, as they do, around the human male’s midsection, on the outside of his body, they’re basically begging for a football to be kicked into them, reducing even the most Herculean specimen of a man into nothing more than a weeping, retching, crumpled up heap on the floor.  It’s a wonder men are actually capable of achieving anything if you consider that, at any point, they can be rendered completely helpless by even the gentlest of unexpected nudges to the plums."  Read more from Environmental Graffiti here:  http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/nature/news-how-wear-your-testicles-or-ball-games?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+environmentalgraffiti+%28Environmental+Graffiti%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

Meat - our unsustainable consumption of it:  I wonder when reality of our unsustainable meat consumption set in.  Meat has become such an integral part of our diet, making an appearance at most every meal, but our consumption of it fuels a massive meat-raising industry that has major impacts on our land, water, and air resources.  Check out this New York Times article:  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/weekinreview/27bittman.html?_r=3&pagewanted=1

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